Fun Fotos, creators of 3-D Photo Sculptures.

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To Order By Mail

Complete the form below and send with your photo(s), check or money order.
•To determine pricing, start with standard "cut-out" or "pop-out" prices based on photo size.
(A list of prices is shown below the form.)
• Add additional cost(s) for extras, if any.
•Indiana residents please add 7% sales tax.
•Add shipping & handling based on total cost of items purchased.
•The order form below will help you with completing necessary information.
After completed, include the form with your photos & payment in mailing envelope.

Product Order Form
For reference, prices are posted below order form.
Working E-Mail Address:
Telephone Number:
Street Address:
City:     State:     ZIP:
Photo Size:     Description:
Item Desired (cut-outs, pop-outs, ornament, wedding etc.):      Cost Each:
Additional Costs (graphics, photo printing, etc.):     Quantity:
Total Cost For Items:     Sales Tax (Indiana residents only):
Total Shipping & Handling Cost:    Order Total:

Special Instructions
If necessary, give us specifics on the products you ordered above.
If you are considering a customized project which requires a special design etc. leave details or questions here.
If you are placing an order with "hard copy" photos via regular mail, please print this order form and mail with photo(s) and payment.
Thank You!

Submit or reset the form

Checks or money orders--sending printed photos via mail
---Please complete the blanks above, print and send with photo(s).
---Make your check, cashier check or money order payable to Fun Fotos
and mail with order form and photo(s) to...

Fun Fotos
228 West Maple Street
Cambridge City, Indiana 47327

It is very important to NOT attach paper clips, tape or staples to pictures. Include a HEAVY piece of cardboard
approximately the same size of the envelope to protect the photos from bending and damage.
If photos arrive damaged, your order will be delayed in completion..


                4x5/4x6             $21.95 each
                5x7                   $26.95 each
                8x10/8x12        $31.95 each
                11x14               $45.95 each

       Allow 4-6 weeks for completion.

                4x5/4x6             $32.95 each
                5x7                   $37.95 each
                8x10/8x12        $47.95 each
                11x14              $65.95 each

         ---Above prices do not include printing charges for photos that we print. See those add-on charges below.

         •Each additional cut-out (4x6 or 5x7) to be mounted on same base-add $12.
            (largest photo at full price above.)

          •Custom message or graphics-$7 each.

          •3x4, 3x5 or 4x6 pin, magnet, key ring or ornament-$10.00 each .
                NOTE: Can become fragile. For ornamental use.

          •Photo printing--$3 for each 4x6 or smaller, $4 for each 5x7, $5 for each 8x10.

          •Anniversary package--add $20 each. (cut out ordered separately). Note gold/black or silver/black in Special Instructions. Allow 4-6 weeks.

          •Wedding sculptures--1 heart-$35, 2 hearts-$40, 5 hearts-$45. (includes 4x5 or 5x7 cutout). Please allow 4-6 weeks.

          •Indiana residents add 7% sales tax.

•Add shipping & handling based on total cost of items purchased...
                 up to $24.99.............$6.00
                   $100 and up.............$15.50

Quality Handcrafted             Satisfaction Guaranteed             

Questions? E-mail us at

The personal information provided above will not be used in marketing
or sold to other companies. We ask for an e-mail address and phone number
so that we can contact you if there should be a question or problem with your order.
We also like to keep our customers informed about the progress of their order.

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©   2019   A Fun Fotos' Production